Disciples of the Latter Times
Mary Jane Even
Mary Jane Even from Lincoln, Nebraska, has been reporting "intellectual locutions" from the Virgin Mary from 1992 until her death in 2010. Her messages center on end-time chastisements, which she describes as the "Great Warning."
According to her messages, the Holy Father will be forced to flee from the Vatican, an anti-pope will be elected, and the Seat of Saint Peter will be moved to Jerusalem. Soon afterward, a great war will break out, destroying most of the planet's population, whereupon all the world's economies will collapse.1
On January 1, 1997, the spiritual entities that have been delivering messages to Mary Jane predicted "that a meteor would strike the earth first with its tail touching parts of the earth, and then the full impact of the meteor will touch down in an area in the Western Hemisphere of the planet."2
The effects of the meteor's impact are described as follows: "A cloud of dust so great that it will block the sun and all the earth shall become as night. The dust from the meteor shower shall bathe the earth, leaving dirt everywhere and burn the land and the skin. The vegetation shall die and those caught outside will die of these burns. Animals shall suffer illnesses and need to be destroyed. What you can then expect will be most dangerous. Due to the extremely flammable nature of this dust cloud and its dangerous toxic gases, many homes shall catch fire and be destroyed. And yet this is only the beginning, for more dramatic events will occur." 3
After everybody's home burns to the ground due to the "flammable nature" of the dust cloud, the spiritual entities that have been delivering the messages to Mary Jane describes the end of the world as follows: "Due to the extreme impact of the meteor on our planet, there will be produced the greatest of all earthquakes. This earthquake shall produce great fissures in the planet's top layer, producing large cracks and sinkholes into which whole cities shall disappear. After the earthquake, there will be three days of darkness. The three days of darkness is the nuclear war and world-wide conflict by all countries having nuclear missiles. Everyone will be shooting missiles at other countries, in retaliation."4
To help Catholics prepare for the end of the world, Mary Jane Even has been advising the faithful to stock up on canned goods. In a letter posted on the Internet one woman described the fruits of Mary Jane's ministry efforts as follows: "My in-laws are getting tons of literature from (and sending money to) this person in Nebraska, and they now believe that the next pope is going to actually be the Anti-Pope and will be working with the Anti-Christ to bring about the end of the world in a matter of months. The woman running this group has got them buying bizarre supplies (everything from hard candy to 'Urgent Bee Pollen' to canned corned beef), boarding up the house and heaven knows what else. I'm concerned that this person is a) bilking them out of their money, b) preying on the old and weak-minded, and c) going to incite them into some kind of action that may not be beneficial to them or the world at large. I'm becoming very frightened by their behavior."5
The Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, has answered questions concerning the revelations of Mary Jane Even on their website and has issued the following conclusions:
In your diocese a woman named Mary Jane Even claims to be receiving supernatural locutions and revelations. Does the Diocese of Lincoln have anything to say about this matter?
The Diocese of Lincoln has a clear statement about this matter and a copy of this statement can be obtained by writing or calling the Chancery office. A diocesan commission has carefully examined the claims of Mary Jane Even and concluded that there is nothing supernatural about her locutions and revelations. They are sometimes farfetched and even contain doctrinal error. No belief should be placed in them or in her.6
Would it be a sin to believe in or support the visions and locutions of Mary Jane Even?
It is difficult to see how sin, even serious sin, could be avoided in such belief and support. Her alleged "visions and locutions" have been determined by Church authorities to be totally devoid of any supernatural character. Some of the doctrines she teaches are clearly false. Therefore, supporting or believing her could involve spreading religious error. Sometimes credulous people who believe her have suffered severe hardships for themselves and their families, by moving to "safe havens" at enormous financial and personal loss. Her supporters thus may have grave sins of injustice on their consciences because of this. Also, she purports to foretell the future. Participating or involvement in fortune telling, with any measure of belief, is always sinful. Sometimes serious private "revelations" are due to fraud or hallucinations. But sometimes they are due to demonic forces.7

For more information please visit Disciples of the Latter Times - Mary Jane Even.
- "Messages given by our Lord to His Secretary Mary Jane Even" - January, 1997 http://www.shoal.net.au/~mwoa/the_messages/warning_mary_jane_even_jan1997.html
- Prophetic Messages, volume I, January 2, 1997 http://www.shoal.net.au/~mwoa/the_messages/warning_mary_jane_even_jan1997.html
- Prophetic Messages, volume I, January 2, 1997 http://www.shoal.net.au/~mwoa/the_messages/warning_mary_jane_even_jan1997.html
- Public Messages - January 1, 1997 http://www.shoal.net.au/~mwoa/the_messages/warning_mary_jane_even_jan1997.html
- Cult Education Forum: http://forum.rickross.com/read.php?14,9717
- Reprinted from January 10, 1997 www.dioceseoflincoln.org/purple/apparitions/index.htm#4
- Reprinted from January 22, 1999 www.dioceseoflincoln.org/purple/apparitions/index.htm#4
- Conclusion of the Diocesan Commission Established to Study the Alleged Locutions of Mary Jane Even.